Návrh národného stanoviska

K návrhom týchto noriem Národný sekretariát ETSI (NS ETSI) eviduje pripomienky.

AP 20240723 Comments on draft ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.0 (2024-04)

Electronic Signatures and Trust Infrastructures (ESI); XAdES digital signatures; Part 1: Building blocks and XAdES baseline signatures

Electronic Signatures and Trust Infrastructures (ESI)


Clause / Sub-clause

Paragraph Figure / Table

Type of comment (Technical(1) or Non-Technical)


Proposed change

on each comment submitted


1 Scope

The first paragraph,

page 8


The first paragraph in the clause 1 on the page 8 contains abbreviation


The abbreviation


is not published in clause 3.3 Abbreviations on the page 11.

It is recommended to add abbreviation

XAdES XML Advanced Electronic Signatures

in clause 3.3 Abbreviations on the page 11.



5.2.4 The DataObjectFormat qualifying property

The fourth paragraph in the part Syntax,

page 30


The fourth paragraph in the part Syntax of clause 5.2.4 on the page 30 contains abbreviation


Element MimeType shall contain a MIME type value indicating the format of the signed data object. Its content shall be a string containing values defined by IETF RFC 2045 [18].

The abbreviation


is not published in clause 3.3 Abbreviations on the page 11.

It is recommended to add abbreviation

MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

in clause 3.3 Abbreviations on the page 11.



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